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Monday, December 31, 2012

Michael Medved Covers For Obama, Suffers As Washington State Browns

Michael Medved Covers For Obama, Suffers As Washington State Browns

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

100-Million-Year-Old Spider Attack Found in Amber

100-Million-Year-Old Spider Attack Found in Amber

Joe Biden Remains An Oddball, Paul Ryan A Studious Church Mouse & Martha Raddatz Bleeds Abortion From Her Eyes

Joe Biden Remains An Oddball, Paul Ryan A Studious Church Mouse & Martha Raddatz Bleeds Abortion From Her Eyes

Columbus Day 2012: White Devil Glenn T. Morris Bleeds The Red Man

Columbus Day 2012: White Devil Glenn T. Morris Bleeds The Red Man

Spot Where Julius Caesar Stabbed Discovered

Spot Where Julius Caesar Stabbed Discovered

Defenseless Norway Awards Nobel to EU, Disses American Protectors

Defenseless Norway Awards Nobel to EU, Disses American Protectors

Romney vs. Obama

Romney vs. Obama

Romney vs. Obama

Romney vs. Obama

Sorry People Of America

Sorry People Of America

All This For A Damn Flag

All This For A Damn Flag

Over 400 Trees Cut Down To Make Way For "Endeavour"

Over 400 Trees Cut Down To Make Way For "Endeavour"

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Van Gogh's "The Starry Night" Ascends to the Heavens

Van Gogh's "The Starry Night" Ascends to the Heavens

Pink Nation Roundup: Obama, The Muslim Brotherhood and Family Feud

Pink Nation Roundup: Obama, The Muslim Brotherhood and Family Feud

Black Martian "Spiders" Puzzle Scientists

Black Martian "Spiders" Puzzle Scientists

Rasmussen Reports: Romney vs. Obama

Rasmussen Reports: Romney vs. Obama

Detroit Woman Finds Squatters Living in Her House for Sale

Detroit Woman Finds Squatters Living in Her House for Sale

Detroit Police Chief and Part-Time Minister Suspended After Second Affair With Subordinate

Detroit Police Chief and Part-Time Minister Suspended After Second Affair With Subordinate

Ho Chi Minh White House Manipulates Job Numbers, Democratic Voters Cheer Dear Leader

Ho Chi Minh White House Manipulates Job Numbers, Democratic Voters Cheer Dear Leader

Blanche Barrow Channels "The Scream"

Blanche Barrow Channels "The Scream"

Monday, October 1, 2012

GOP Gives Up Voter Registration Efforts in Five Swing States

GOP Gives Up Voter Registration Efforts in Five Swing States

General Election 2012: Romney vs. Obama

General Election 2012: Romney vs. Obama

Bankrupt Detroit Forces Obama Voting Police Force to Work 12 Hour Shifts

Bankrupt Detroit Forces Obama Voting Police Force to Work 12 Hour Shifts

Bankrupt Detroit Forces Obama Voting Police Force to Work 12 Hour Shifts

Bankrupt Detroit Forces Obama Voting Police Force to Work 12 Hour Shifts

$1 Million Lottery Winner & Welfare Cheat Amanda Clayton Found Dead of Overdose

$1 Million Lottery Winner & Welfare Cheat Amanda Clayton Found Dead of Overdose

$1 Million Lottery Winner & Welfare Cheat Amanda Clayton Found Dead of Overdose

$1 Million Lottery Winner & Welfare Cheat Amanda Clayton Found Dead of Overdose

Discovery Trumpets Romney's Latest Gaffe, Ignores Obama's Affirmative-Action Presidency

Discovery Trumpets Romney's Latest Gaffe, Ignores Obama's Affirmative-Action Presidency

Discovery: How Humans Lost Their Chance At Third Eye

Discovery: How Humans Lost Their Chance At Third Eye

To Test Emergency Response Time, Likely Paul Supporter and Now Romney Reluctant Michael D. Turley Enlists Nephew to Pose as Terrorist

To Test Emergency Response Time, Likely Paul Supporter and Now Romney Reluctant Michael D. Turley Enlists Nephew to Pose as Terrorist

Coming White Minority Yawns As Nation Morphs Into Republic del Norte

Coming White Minority Yawns As Nation Morphs Into Republic del Norte

Obama Metermaid Targets Romney Supporter, Upsets White City Councilman

Obama Metermaid Targets Romney Supporter, Upsets White City Councilman

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Republican Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Makes Fool of Herself, Endorses Obama

Republican Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Makes Fool of Herself, Endorses Obama

Oprah Winfrey Tops List Of Highest Paid Hollywood Leftists - Occupy Wall Street Types Ignore Glaring Hypocrisy

Oprah Winfrey Tops List Of Highest Paid Hollywood Leftists - Occupy Wall Street Types Ignore Glaring Hypocrisy

General Election 2012: Obama vs. Romney

General Election 2012: Obama vs. Romney

Worayuth Yoovidhya, Grandson of Red Bull Founder, Arrested For Killing Policeman in Hit-And-Run

Worayuth Yoovidhya, Grandson of Red Bull Founder, Arrested For Killing Policeman in Hit-And-Run

Worayuth Yoovidhya, Grandson of Red Bull Founder, Arrested For Killing Policeman in Hit-And-Run

Worayuth Yoovidhya, Grandson of Red Bull Founder, Arrested For Killing Policeman in Hit-And-Run

Elderly Obama Voter Jerome Lynch Throws Acid Into Daughter's Face

Elderly Obama Voter Jerome Lynch Throws Acid Into Daughter's Face

Labor Day 2012: No Rest For the Weary

Labor Day 2012: No Rest For the Weary

Mitt Romney for President - Romney Hearts Romneycare

Mitt Romney for President - Romney Hearts Romneycare

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Texas Carpetbaggers: Maryland and the Phoenix Shot Tower

Texas Carpetbaggers: Maryland and the Phoenix Shot Tower

Little Mexico Village - Dallas Housing Authority: Republic del Norte

Little Mexico Village - Dallas Housing Authority: Republic del Norte

Little Mexico Village - Dallas Housing Authority: Republic del Norte

Little Mexico Village - Dallas Housing Authority: Republic del Norte

General Election 2012: Obama vs. Romney

General Election 2012: Obama vs. Romney

Facebook, LMFAO, Texas STARR Standards: The Most Disgusting Generation

Facebook, LMFAO, Texas STARR Standards: The Most Disgusting Generation

Sarah Palin: Rural Texas

Sarah Palin: Rural Texas

The Religion of Peace: Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood's Takeover of Damascus

The Religion of Peace: Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood's Takeover of Damascus

Pink Nation Roundup - July 27, 2012

Pink Nation Roundup - July 27, 2012

Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer

Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer

New York City Department of Human Services: Ghetto Nation

New York City Department of Human Services: Ghetto Nation

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It looks like the Obama administration is doing a bang up job in the foreign policy department.  The Middle East is on fire as the so-called Arab Spring produces nothing but thorns.  I've written a few articles on this topic.  Check out my latest post at my website:

Previous articles:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Just some thoughts for the day.  Romney and the Republicans seem to have waken up from the presidential candidate's vacation-induced stupor.  They're firing back at the Obama campaign's lies about Romney being a pioneer of the outsourcing craze. has already confirmed that there is "no evidence to support the claim that Romney, while he was running Bain Capital, shipped American jobs overseas."  Even George Stephanopolous of Good Morning America called the Obama campaign to task on their falsehoods.

The Romney campaign will have to do better than that from now through November.  They can't be on the defensive all the time.  Obama has a lot of skeletons in his closet that have never been shaken and rattled in front of Americans.  Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright haven't been used to their full potential.  As a shrewd businessman, Romney would've never left these resources untapped.  Even while running against other Republicans for the presidential nomination he was ruthless.  But now, running against America's first black president, he seems have gone weak in the knees.